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Degraded performance caused by token expiration issues
Incident Report for Slido
Between Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th of January, Slido users may have experienced issues (e.g. not seeing new questions, likes, or poll results arriving) if they didn't reload Slido Admin for more than 10 minutes.

These problems were a result of the work we are doing to replace our old authorization system with a modern OAuth 2.0-based system. This authorization system controls what users are able to do and see within Slido. Doing this for a set of interdependent systems during regular operations is a bit like replacing brakes on a car while it’s in motion.

We are changing from making authorization decisions individually for every single request to a new system, where we make the decision once and embed the information about what the user has access to.

For security reasons, these tokens expire after 10 minutes and need to be exchanged for a new token. In this instance, there was a problem with the renewed token being shared with the technology that enables the continual updates to be seen with Slido admin.

We’d like to apologize to our customers who were impacted by this disruption. If you have any other questions, please let us know at
Posted Jan 19, 2023 - 10:00 UTC